Schedule a free 10 minute phone consultation
or book a session to get started right away!
Bridgette K. Allen, MA, LMFT
Marriage & Family Therapist
Couples Therapy
Couples wait an average of six years of being unhappy before getting help.
-John Gottman

A few reasons to seek couples therapy:
Struggle with communication
Experience a lack of physical and emotional intimacy
Feel you’re not a priority to your partner
Feel lonely/bored/unsatisfied in your relationship
Feel you’ll never be enough to make partner happy
Become easily reactive over small stuff
Low sexual desire or concerns
Feel numb and disconnected from your partner
Feel unseen/unheard/unloved by partner
Avoid certain topics with your partner
Feel you and your partner are too different
Feel unappreciated/disrespected in relationship
Threats or feelings of breaking up or divorce
Feel you’re no longer in love
Worry you’ve made a mistake choosing your partner